Since 2015, I have taught workshops for canine professionals including dog trainers, dog rescuers, veterinarian staff, and other canine professionals. I have experience teaching dog training workshops in New Mexico and nationwide, and presenting twice at a dog training conference. I also have online learning for dog trainers to learn about helping fearful and feral dogs. I treat my students with empathy and respect.
My workshops are holistic in nature, delving into the individual dog’s core being, then exploring different ways to help each dog improve behavior. I teach how to intertwine different methods and techniques so the dog and client can have positive, maximum success. I also focus on how we can change to connect with the dog.
I welcome dogs that have severe fear to attend my workshops as demonstration dogs. Workshop topics include, but are not limited to, Living with Fearful Dogs, Rescuing Dogs Responsibly, and other topics upon request.
If you would like to host a workshop at your location or for your organization, please email julie@hart2heartcanine.com
“I am so glad I took the seminar, met you and the rest of the group. M is responding beautifully to more structure, I believe it is even affecting for level of anxiety and appetite. She’s eating more than ever ( I have been battling keeping weight on her since I got her). On our daily walks the change is so dramatic my husband says “It’s like a switch flipped” for her… I am so grateful I decided to join you, it was truly a life changing event for me and for us as a team.”
“I wanted to thank you again for coming to Boise and conducting the seminar. I can already see a difference in M... I am very grateful I met you, it changed the trajectory of my relationship with M in a very good way!! I have done a lot of thinking about training and even more work understanding who M really is and the unique personality of each dog. ”
“I have spent thousands and been to many workshops, but I learned the more at this one (Fearful Feral Dog Course) than all others combined.”
“Dog trainers! Take RBBM 1 with the Canine - Human Relationship Institute. Go to the Fearful Feral workshop with Julie Hart. These techniques and philosophies are so powerful and will change the way you interact with dogs for the better”.
Fearful and Feral Dogs Rehab Experience & Retreat - 6 day
Times for June 2-3 are 9 am - 5 pm
June 3-7 will be approximately 8am-6pm with breaks
Las Vegas Animal Care Center and an authentic adobe house in the Santa Fe area
Please see description for more info
Using feral dogs as our teachers to improve our knowledge of dogs and ourselves, this five-day, sun and adventure-filled feral dog workshop in New Mexico is like no other dog training experience out there. Feral dogs are like magnifying glasses on our dog training skills, behaviors, and mindset. Feral dog rehab gets to the essence and depth of the human-dog relationship with an animal that has developed street smarts and survival techniques without human influence. The lessons feral and fearful dogs teach can be applied to help ALL dogs.
You will be guided by two skilled, experienced feral dog rehabilitators, Kelly Engel and Julie Hart. During June 2-3, the workshop will be focused on classroom and demonstration with some hands-on opportunities. During the immersive portion of the workshop (June 4-7) each student will have a dog to rehabilitate while living in an authentic New Mexico home on 6 acres. We will be doing outdoor trust-building activities with dogs in stunning landscapes supplemented by indoor class time and pack work.The class focus will be on trust building, human/dog body language, predictability, and building relationships. We will learn how humans can connect with dogs on a deep level by being what dogs need to feel safe. Learning how to be present by controlling your mind, energy, emotions, and expectations are all side benefits of working with feral dogs.
At the end of the workshop, you will have the opportunity to take your feral dog home with you. This is an option, not a requirement. Students gain unique insight only feral dogs can teach that can be taken home and applied to help all dogs and their human companions.
Please note: This workshop will involve outdoor activities. Please be able to hike 1 mile with minor elevation change and have the strength to handle a feral dog that may pull or dart around corners. Proper equipment will be provided.
If you wish to attend only the first two days, please see the other listing “Feral and Fearful Dog Rehab Workshop 2 Day”.
What to expect -
June 2-3, 2025. This portion of the workshop is open to a maximum of 20 attendees. It takes place at the Las Vegas Animal Care Center in Las Vegas, NEW MEXICO. You will be guided by Julie Hart, an experienced and effective feral dog rehabilitator, in collaboration with Nelson Hodges, founder of Canine Human Relationship Institute. During these two days, we will have classroom and demonstration time with opportunities for hands-on time. We use shelter dogs that range from fearful to feral behavior in various stages of rehabilitation as our guides. We will cover how to form a trusting relationship with extreme case dogs. We talk about the important role of acknowledgment, proper body language, trust, leash handling, and facilitating brave behavior while using Nose-Centric Dog Training and Rehabilitation Techniques. We will explain how these techniques can be applied to more “normal” dogs.For this portion of the workshop, we will be staying at local hotels at the student’s expense. The closest airports are Santa Fe (SAF) and Albuquerque (ABQ). A car will be necessary to attend, but we will be happy to facilitate the sharing of rental cars with other students.
Nelson will hold a 2-hour Zoom class with attendees to supplement the in-person portion of the workshop. (Date to be announced)
June 4-7, 2025. The Immersive Rehab and Training portion is limited to 5 students. It takes place at an authentic adobe, New Mexican-style home. The home has 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, with 3 of the bedrooms having separate entrances from the main home. The home is located on 6 acres with gorgeous mountain and desert views that backs up to 12000 acres of BLM land. There are numerous outdoor areas to give everyone privacy and downtime if desired. Each day will include discussions, outings, and specific training, both in groups and individually.
Outings may include Ghost Ranch, the home of Georgia O’Keefe, Santa Fe art galleries, or the healing and historic Santuario de Chimayo. Yoga classes and the healing waters of Ojo Caliente may also be on the itinerary. Activities will depend on the weather, students’ interests, and the dogs’ abilities. This portion is all-inclusive, including lodging, food, and activities. Transportation such as airfare and rental cart and any off-site dining or non-group activities are at the student’s expense. You MUST take the June 2-3 portion to participate in the immersive portion of this event.
The house description, photos and registration can be found on my website link for this event.
Immerive portion - $1850
Two day $400
https://hart2heartcanine.com/.../ienl1zfoe93n41mbzz5gus0m...If you wish to only attend the two day event at the shelter, registration is here https://hart2heartcanine.com/.../ienl1zfoe93n41mbzz5gus0m...
Due to the nature of reserving space for this event, no refunds after March 2, 2025. If you book and need to cancel before March 2, 2025, we will refund your money minus a $50 processing fee.
Rehab Train Thrive with Julie Hart & Kelly Engel
Fearful Feral Dog Workshop with CHRI 2-day
A truly unique workshop using fearful and feral shelter dogs to illustrate nose-centric, relationship based fearful and feral dog rehabilitation.This knowledge will transfer to many dog training situations.
Julie Hart with Nelson Hodges
Times are 9 am - 5 pm
This is a rural town in New Mexico. Closest airports are Albuquerque or Santa Fe. It is a two or one hour drive from the airport to the town, respectively.
Location is the Las Vegas Animal Care Center
This workshop benefits the Friends of San Miguel County Animals, a non-profit that supports the shelter.
Using feral dogs as our teachers to improve our knowledge of dogs and ourselves, this two-day feral dog rehabilitation workshop in New Mexico is like no other dog training experience out there. Feral dogs are like magnifying glasses on our dog training skills, behaviors, and mindset. Feral dog rehab gets to the essence and depth of the human-dog relationship with an animal that has developed street smarts and survival techniques without human influence. The lessons feral and fearful dogs teach can be applied to help ALL dogs.
You will be guided by Julie Hart, an experienced and effective feral dog rehabilitator, in collaboration with Nelson Hodges, founder of Canine Human Relationship Institute. During June 2-3, the workshop will be focused on classroom and demonstration with some hands-on opportunities. The class focus will be on trust building, human/dog body language, leash handling, predictability, and building trustful relationships. We will learn how humans can connect with dogs on a deep level by being what dogs need to feel safe. Learning how to be present by controlling your mind, energy, emotions, and expectations are all side benefits of working with feral dogs.
Nelson will hold a 2-hour Zoom class with attendees to supplement the in-person portion of the workshop. (Date to be announced)
This workshop is ideal for dog trainers, shelter staff and dog rescuers. Many fearful dog owners have also attended and found great value to help their own dogs.
There is an Immersive version of this workshop that extends an additional 4 days until June 7. In the immersive version, you will be rehabilitating a feral dog in an authentic Adobe home while enjoying gorgeous New Mexico scenery. To learn more about the Immersive version. (limit of 5) go to https://hart2heartcanine.com/store
What to Expect
June 2-3, 2025. This portion of the workshop is open to a maximum of 20 attendees. It takes place at the Las Vegas Animal Care Center in Las Vegas, NEW MEXICO. During these two days, we will have classroom and demonstration time with opportunities for hands-on time. We use shelter dogs that range from fearful to feral behavior in various stages of rehabilitation as our guides. We will cover how to form a trusting relationship with extreme case dogs. We talk about the important role of acknowledgment, proper body language, trust, leash handling, and facilitating brave behavior while using Nose-Centric dog training and rehabilitation techniques. We will explain how these techniques can be applied to more “normal” dogs.
Lunches and snacks are provided. Some of this workshop will be outside and require some standing and handling fearful/feral dogs that may pull and dart (if the student chooses to handle the dogs.).
For this portion of the workshop, we will be staying at local hotels at the student’s expense. The closest airports are Santa Fe (SAF) and Albuquerque (ABQ). A car will be necessary to attend, but we will be happy to facilitate the sharing of rental cars with other students.
email julie@hart2heartcanine.com with questions.
Rescue Dogs Responsibly with Julie Hart
A workshop to help dog rescues and foster homes improve adoption rates, minimize returns, and improve volunteer satisfaction and morale. Rehabilitation and training rescued dogs and their behavior concerns can also be covered, with the goal being successful adoption.
Times are 9:00-5:00
Would you like to able to choose dogs that are easily adoptable and safe?
Would you like to minimize dog returns to your rescue?
Would you like to improve volunteer morale and knowledge?
Julie has a program that does these things and, in turn, saves more dogs. She has reliably used behavior evaluations to choose and place dogs for foster homes and adoptions for since 2010. Understanding a dog’s temperament will allow more compatible placement, and less returns of dogs. Choosing dogs within your volunteer’s skillset will allow your volunteers to succeed and feel good about their contribution. Gradually training volunteers how to help various dogs through revhabilaiton and training will ultimately allow those dogs to be easier in adoptive homes.
Please enquire about more information at julie@hart2heartcanine.com
Feedback from Previous workshops
"I felt like I learned perspectives I hadn’t known before and validated some of the things I knew. It also taught me a gentler approach to training."
"I have been to a lot of seminars and I felt this to be one of the best as far as helpful hands on information. Julie's knowledge will help many trainers."
"No judgement. Very welcoming to everyone."
“I am so glad I took the seminar, met you and the rest of the group. M is responding beautifully to more structure, I believe it is even affecting for level of anxiety and appetite. She’s eating more than ever ( I have been battling keeping weight on her since I got her). On our daily walks the change is so dramatic my husband says “It’s like a switch flipped” for her… I am so grateful I decided to join you, it was truly a life changing event for me and for us as a team.”